The NHPCO e -Journal is produced by the Pediatric e -Journal Workgroup and is a program of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization.
Pediatric Concurrent Care: Building Evidence, Informing Providers, and Serving Families p. 37

Lisa C. Lindley, PhD, RN, FPCN, FAAN and Kristen A. Carlosh, M.A.
p. 37 – This article describes a grant-funded research project at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, College of Nursing entitled, “Effectiveness of Concurrent Care to Improve Pediatric and Family Outcomes at End of Life.” The researchers “will provide evidence on the effectiveness of pediatric concurrent care to improve end-of-life care during hospice care”with the aim of comparing “the: (1) benefits (i.e., continuity of care; symptom management); (2) burdens (i.e., hospice care intensity, care fragmentation); and (3) cost of concurrent care versus standard hospice care for children and families.”
Current Issue – NHPCO
Pediatric Legislative Issues (February 2020)
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