Staffing information was gathered primarily from state-specific hospice provider manuals. In nearly all cases these manuals did mention the provision of concurrent care for children. However, the section mentioning concurrent care was often kept separate from any mention of staffing information. Therefore, it appears that the hospice staffing guidelines for pediatric patients are identical to the staffing guidelines of adult patients. Most often, interdisciplinary teams are comprised of a medical director, a doctor of medicine or osteopathy, a registered nurse, a social worker, and a spiritual counselor as the basis of the team. Some states contextualized the role each member played in providing care and the broader influence this has on the patient’s overall care. This blog will cover those states which more deeply contextualize these roles or list additional members belonging to the interdisciplinary team. Colorado notes that their interdisciplinary teams should include occupational therapists and physical therapist, whereas Georgia includes storytellers, physical therapists and massage therapists. Arkansas emphasized that turnover should be limited within the interdisciplinary group so that the patient and family can better develop a continuous and identifiable relationship with them.