Last updated: March 2025
Concurrent Care Announcements
Effective September 1, 2011, the Delaware Health and Social Services Division of Medicaid & Medical Assistance issued the State Plan Amendment (SPA) (Transmittal No. 11-007) including the CMS letter, transmittal attachment, and transmittal form.
In September 2011, the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services Division of Medicaid and Medical Assistance published a public notice, in which the Delaware Health and Social Services (DHSS) Division of Medicaid and Medical Assistance (DMMA) proposed to amend the Medicaid State Plan to allow for concurrent hospice care for children under 21 years of age. The proposal gives background on Section 2302 of the Affordable Care Act and sections 1905(o)91) and 2110(a)(23) of the Social Security Act. The announcement also covers a summary of the proposal and the fiscal impact of the proposal. It is listed as Statutory Authority: 31 Delaware Code, Section 512 and can be found by clicking this link or 2011_Delaware.
Delaware Coalitions
Delaware Pediatric Palliative Care State Champions
Delaware Hospice Provider Policy Manual
Hospice Provider Specific Policy Manual, last updated by state, 2023