Last updated: March 2025
Concurrent Care Announcements
Effective January 12, 2021, the state of Louisiana issued a State Plan Amendment (SPA) (Transmittal No. 20-0013).
In 2020, the state of Louisiana issued an updated rule (Hospice Services, Pediatric Concurrent Care, LAC 50:XV.3503 and 4315).
A 2019 revision to Concurrent Care for Children in the state of Louisiana can be found within the 2012 Louisiana Department of Health Hospice Provider Manual. (Issued: 05/30/19; Replaced: 03/26/19)
In August 2014 the state of Louisiana issued an updated version of the 2012 Louisiana Department of Medicaid Program manual, which included a subsection titled, “Recipients under Age 21 Receiving Hospice and Concurrent Care.” This section indicated that recipients under age 21 would be allowed to continue to receive curative treatment for their terminal illness while electing for hospice care. This section also stipulated that the hospice coordinator would be responsible for coordinating all curative treatments and making a daily visit to all recipients under age 21. The manual goes on to define curative treatment and clarify that any questionable services will be sent for medical review. This can be found in the Louisiana Medicaid Program Policy Manual under chapter 24: Hospice, section 24.2: Election of Hospice Care.
Louisiana Coalitions and Organizations
Gulf States Pediatric Palliative Care Consortium
Louisiana & Mississippi Hospice and Palliative Care Organization – with presentation on Louisiana Pediatric Hospice Concurrent Care: Rewriting Culture and Language and information on pediatric palliative care.
Louisiana Hospice Provider Manual
Louisiana Online Hospice Provider Manual, last updated by state, 2012