Last updated: March 2025
Concurrent Care Announcements
In July of 2012, South Carolina’s Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) issued a Medicaid Bulletin to all providers regarding hospice care for children in Medicaid. The bulletin indicated that effective immediately, the SC DHHS would provide reimbursement for hospice services in conjunction with curative treatment for the child’s terminal illness. The bulletin went on to explain section 2302 of the Affordable Care Act and clarified that this provision does not change the other existing criteria for hospice. The bulletin may be accessed at this link and at 2012_SouthCarolina.
In 2021, the South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (SCDHHS) updated guidance for providers and service coordinators regarding hospice services rendered to children enrolled in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Part C program, commonly known as BabyNet in South Carolina. Effective Dec. 1, 2021, participation in BabyNet does not exclude enrolled children from entering hospice care.
South Carolina Coalitions and Organizations
South Carolina Pediatric Palliative and Hospice Care Collaborative
South Carolina Hospice Provider Manual
South Carolina Hospice Provider Manual, last updated by state, 2019