Last updated: March 2025
Concurrent Care Announcements
Effective July 1, 2016, the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services issued State Amendment Plan (SPA) (Transmittal No. 16-0002).
In April of 2013 the Centers of Medicare & Medicaid Services completed its review of Alaska State Plan Amendment (SPA) Transmittal Number 13-007, which amended Alaska’s Medicaid plan to allow for concurrent care for children seeking hospice, as allowed under section 1905(o) of the Social Security Act. The letter may be accessed at this link or at 2013_Alaska.
Alaska Coalitions
Northwest Pediatric Palliative Care Coalition: Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington
Alaska Medical Assistance Provider Billing Manual
Alaska Medical Assistance Provider Billing Manuals including Hospice benefit information, last updated by state, 2019